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Insert tables, pictures, and watermarks

Insert a Table

Tables are useful for organizing information in rows and columns:

  • Click on the Insert tab.
  • Choose Table and select the number of rows and columns you need.

For a larger table, or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Insert Table.

Insert Pictures

Add visual interest to your document with pictures:

  • Click on the Insert tab.
  • Select Pictures and choose the image you want to insert.

Resize or move pictures

  • To resize a picture, select the picture and drag a corner handle.
  • To wrap text around a picture, select the picture, and then select a wrapping option.

Text wrapping menu next to a selected square shape

Tip: Pick something other than In Line with Text, and you can move the picture around the page: select the picture and drag it.

Insert Icons in Microsoft Word

Choose from a library of icons that you can resize, move, and format—just like other ready-made shapes in Word. Icons can be used to visually represent concepts or actions:

  • Click on the Insert tab.
  • Choose Icons and select the icon you want to insert.

Select Icons Select as many icons as you want, and then choose Insert at the lower right. Select the icon then you can rotate, color, and resize them by using the options on the Graphic Format tab.

This feature is available only to Microsoft 365 Subscribers for Windows desktop clients.

Insert WordArt

  1. Go to Insert > WordArt
  2. Pick the WordArt style you want.
  3. Type your text.

WordArt with custom text

Note: To convert existing text to WordArt, select the text, and then select Insert > WordArt.

Change the color

  1. Select the WordArt text to change.
  2. On Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format, select Text Fill or Text Outline, and pick the color you want.

Choosing a text fill color 3. Click or tap outside of your text box to see the effect.

WordArt with text fill and outline color applied

Choose a text effect

  1. Select the WordArt text to change.
  2. Go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format > Text Effects >Transform.

Selecting a curved transform text effect 3. Pick the effect you want. 4. Click outside of your text box to see the effect.

For more on shaping WordArt, see Curve text around a circle or other shape.

Rotate it

  1. Select the WordArt, and then drag the circular rotation handle at the top of the box.

Rotating WordArt with the rotation handle 2. To flip WordArt or rotate it 90 degrees, go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format > Rotate, and then select an option.

Rotate menu options

Change the font

  1. Select the WordArt text to change.
  2. Go to Home and select options such as font style, font size, or underline.

Delete WordArt

Double-click the WordArt that you want to remove, and then press Delete.

Insert a watermark

  • On the Design tab, select Watermark.
  • Choose a pre-configured watermark, like DRAFT, CONFIDENTIAL, or DO NOT COPY.
  • For placing a logo or image, Select Watermark > Custom Watermark > Picture watermark > Select Picture. On the same menu you can create a custom text watermark.

Wrap text around a picture in Word

  1. Select the picture.
  2. Select Layout Options.

Layout image button on a selected picture

  1. Select the layout you want.

Tip: In Line with Text puts the picture in a paragraph, just as if it were text. The picture will change position as text is added or removed. The other choices let you move the picture around on the page, with text flowing around it.

Position a picture in the upper-left corner of a document

You can add a picture in the top left corner of a document and have the text flow around it.

Text wrapped to the right and below an image

  • Select a picture.
  • Go to Picture Format or Format > Position, and under Format with Text Wrapping, select Top Left.

The Position button on the ribbon

Tip: You can drag the image around the document and align it any way you like. Make custom changes to word wrapping by selecting Format > Wrap Text > More Layout Options.

Position a picture in the center of a document

You can add a picture in the center of a document and have the text flow around it.

Text wrapped around all sides of an image

  • Select a picture.
  • Go to Picture Format or Format > Wrap Text > Square.

The Wrap Text options on the ribbon

  • Select Position > More Layout Options.
  • On the Position tab, select Alignment, and change the drop-down field to Centered.
  • Next to relative to, choose Page, and select OK.

Note: You can drag the image around the document and align it any way you like. Make custom changes to word wrapping by clicking Format > Wrap Text > More Layout Options.


You can add an image in your document and make the text flow around it in a way that follows the shape of the image.

Tip: For best results, use a picture with a transparent, white, or solid colored background.

Text wrapped around a diamond-shaped image

  • Select a picture and drag it to the middle of the page, or wherever you want it.
  • Go to Picture Format or Format > Wrap Text > Tight.

The Tight wrap text option on the ribbon

  • On the Format tab, select Remove Background.

The Remove Background icon on the ribbon Note: You cannot remove the background from vector images.

  • Select anywhere outside the image to see how the text has wrapped around the image.

Fine-tune text wrapping

If there's too much space between the text and your image, you can set the wrap points manually.

  • Select the picture, and go to Picture Format or Format and select Wrap Text > Edit Wrap Points.

The Edit Wrap Points option for Wrap Text on the ribbon

  • Drag the black wrap points closer or farther away from your picture until you're happy with its appearance. Drag the red line to create additional wrap points.

For more info on text wrap options and wrap points, see Text wrapping options.

Position a picture in line with text

Pictures inserted in line are tied to the place within the text where they were inserted and are treated like any text character—"in line with text." They automatically move with the surrounding text.

  • Select a picture.
  • Go to Picture Format or Format and select Wrap Text > In Line with Text.

Ensure that a picture stays put

You can make sure that your picture stays in place as text is added or deleted.

  • Select a picture.
  • Go to Picture Format or Format and select Wrap Text > Fix Position on Page.