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Layout pages

Change margins

Adjusting margins can help control the layout and appearance of your document:

  • Click on the Layout or Page Layout tab.
  • Select Margins and choose from options like Normal, Wide, or Narrow.

Create newsletter columns

For a newsletter-style layout:

  • Highlight the text you want in columns.
  • Click on the Layout or Page Layout tab.
  • Select Columns and choose the number of columns you want.

Change page orientation to landscape or portrait

  • Click on the Layout or Page Layout tab.
  • Select Orientation and choose either Portrait or Landscape.

Add a border to a page

Enhance the visual appeal of your document with a page border:

  • Click on the Design or Page Layout tab.
  • Choose Page Borders and customize the border settings.

Headers and footers can contain page numbers, dates, or other information:

  • Click on the Insert tab.

  • Select Header or Footer and choose a pre-designed option or create your own.

Insert page numbers

Number your pages for better organization:

  • Click on the Insert tab.

  • Choose Page Number and select where you want the page number to appear.

Insert a page break

Control where a new page begins:

  • Place the cursor where you want the new page to start.
  • Click on the Layout or Page Layout tab.
  • Choose Breaks and select Page.

Insert a table of contents

Create a table of contents for easy navigation:

  • Click where you want the table of contents.
  • Go to the References tab.
  • Choose Table of Contents and select a style.